The School Visits Project

View the calendar below and the individual school pages. To set up your visit, email or call the school contact person and indicate your date of choice.

Connecting progressive educators and their schools is a cornerstone of PENNY’s mission. School visits are one way that we seek to deepen progressive practice, establish connections between teachers and schools, and build a community of reflective practitioners. School visits allow teachers to see progressive practice at work in other contexts, learn from colleagues about how the school arrives at their approach to learning, and take these observations and insights back to their own schools to frame ongoing learning design efforts. We believe that leaving the bubble of our own classrooms and schools and seeing what others are doing is an important step to broadening our understanding of instructional practice and strengthening community.

Our next cycle of school visits will take place during the week of November 4th, 2019. The participating schools are listed below with descriptions about individual school programs, dates for visiting, visit registration form and contact information.

NOTE: School visits are designed for educators and those actively engaged in work in schools. For parents and others, if you are interested in learning more about one of the schools below, please feel free to contact the school directly to inquire about their program of tours and open houses.